Alternative fuels
When gas prices rise, people's thoughts naturally jump to alternative fuel sources. Early adapters are already making the shift to hybrid cars, and eventually, we'll all be driving gasoline-free vehicles. Check out the articles below to learn all about the growing technology of alternative fuel.
How Natural-gas Vehicles WorkCars that run on alternate fuel sources are becoming increasingly important. A natural-gas vehicle, or NGV, is the perfect example of such a car -- it's fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership. Learn about the basic idea of NGVs, the unique design challenges involved, and the advantages and benefits of this technology.
How Hybrid Cars WorkWith urban sprawl on the rise, many of us find ourselves commuting an hour or more twice a day, five days a week! Whether it’s the price of gas or the greenhouse effect that worries you more, the solution could be Insight. Learn the secrets behind hybrid cars and examine two real-world examples.
How Electric Cars WorkElectric vehicles, especially EVs powered by fuel cells, are a compelling alternative to gasoline-powered cars. They use environmentally friendly technology to get you to your destination without the need for costly, supply-limited gasoline. Find out how today's electric cars work.
How Fuel Cells WorkIn the technology world, fuel cells are a very popular topic of conversation. According to many experts, we may soon find ourselves using fuel cells to generate electrical power for our cars and all sorts of devices in our homes. Learn how fuel cells work and how efficient they really are.
How Gas Prices Work Gasoline is the bloodline that keeps America moving. Our personal vehicles alone guzzle over 100 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel each year. When gas prices are on the rise, it can be economically devastating –- an increase of just a penny per gallon can hit some of us pretty hard. Find out what drives the price at the pump.
How Biodiesel Works You probably know that soybean by products are nutritious and healthy. But did you know they can power a car? Find out how soybean and other plant oils, as well as animal fats, are used to create the environmentally friendly fuel -- biodiesel.
How the BMW H2R Works It's sleek. It's aerodynamic. It's powered entirely by hydrogen. The BMW H2R has already set nine speed records in its class. Learn all about the H2R and BMW's unique, liquid-hydrogen combustion engine.
How the Ford Escape Hybrid Works What's so unique about the latest hybrid car on the market? For starters, it's an SUV. What's more, you'd never know it's a hybrid: The eco-friendly Ford Escape features almost the exact same exterior, passenger room and cargo space as the non-hybrid model. Check out the engineering, specs and features of the Ford Escape Hybrid.
How GM's Hy-wire WorksWhat's a car without an engine? A Hy-wire: no combustion, no linkages, and driver controls that work like a video-game joystick. Automakers are moving beyond the conventional car, toward a computerized, environmentally friendly alternative. See what you could be driving in the future.
How the Hydrogen Economy Works With fossil fuels in limited supply, the ever-increasing consumption of this commodity causes problems ranging from global warming to dependence on outside oil sources. Hydrogen is a possible fix, and the technology to take advantage of it is already out there. Find out the benefits of and hurdles facing a hydrogen economy.
Vehicles – veículos
Growing – crescimento
Increasingly- cada vez mais
Environmentally – ambiental
Sprawl – alastro
Healthy – saudável
Sleek – lustroso
Engineering – Engenharia
When gas prices rise, people's thoughts naturally jump to alternative fuel sources. Early adapters are already making the shift to hybrid cars, and eventually, we'll all be driving gasoline-free vehicles. Check out the articles below to learn all about the growing technology of alternative fuel.
How Natural-gas Vehicles WorkCars that run on alternate fuel sources are becoming increasingly important. A natural-gas vehicle, or NGV, is the perfect example of such a car -- it's fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly and offers a relatively low cost of ownership. Learn about the basic idea of NGVs, the unique design challenges involved, and the advantages and benefits of this technology.
How Hybrid Cars WorkWith urban sprawl on the rise, many of us find ourselves commuting an hour or more twice a day, five days a week! Whether it’s the price of gas or the greenhouse effect that worries you more, the solution could be Insight. Learn the secrets behind hybrid cars and examine two real-world examples.
How Electric Cars WorkElectric vehicles, especially EVs powered by fuel cells, are a compelling alternative to gasoline-powered cars. They use environmentally friendly technology to get you to your destination without the need for costly, supply-limited gasoline. Find out how today's electric cars work.
How Fuel Cells WorkIn the technology world, fuel cells are a very popular topic of conversation. According to many experts, we may soon find ourselves using fuel cells to generate electrical power for our cars and all sorts of devices in our homes. Learn how fuel cells work and how efficient they really are.
How Gas Prices Work Gasoline is the bloodline that keeps America moving. Our personal vehicles alone guzzle over 100 billion gallons of gasoline and diesel fuel each year. When gas prices are on the rise, it can be economically devastating –- an increase of just a penny per gallon can hit some of us pretty hard. Find out what drives the price at the pump.
How Biodiesel Works You probably know that soybean by products are nutritious and healthy. But did you know they can power a car? Find out how soybean and other plant oils, as well as animal fats, are used to create the environmentally friendly fuel -- biodiesel.
How the BMW H2R Works It's sleek. It's aerodynamic. It's powered entirely by hydrogen. The BMW H2R has already set nine speed records in its class. Learn all about the H2R and BMW's unique, liquid-hydrogen combustion engine.
How the Ford Escape Hybrid Works What's so unique about the latest hybrid car on the market? For starters, it's an SUV. What's more, you'd never know it's a hybrid: The eco-friendly Ford Escape features almost the exact same exterior, passenger room and cargo space as the non-hybrid model. Check out the engineering, specs and features of the Ford Escape Hybrid.
How GM's Hy-wire WorksWhat's a car without an engine? A Hy-wire: no combustion, no linkages, and driver controls that work like a video-game joystick. Automakers are moving beyond the conventional car, toward a computerized, environmentally friendly alternative. See what you could be driving in the future.
How the Hydrogen Economy Works With fossil fuels in limited supply, the ever-increasing consumption of this commodity causes problems ranging from global warming to dependence on outside oil sources. Hydrogen is a possible fix, and the technology to take advantage of it is already out there. Find out the benefits of and hurdles facing a hydrogen economy.
Vehicles – veículos
Growing – crescimento
Increasingly- cada vez mais
Environmentally – ambiental
Sprawl – alastro
Healthy – saudável
Sleek – lustroso
Engineering – Engenharia
latest-mais tarde
blood line-linha do sangue
1- Como funciona um carro a gás natural?
2- Como as células combustíveis trabalham no mundo da tecnologia?
3- Qual combustível é econômico,polui menos o ambiente e tem um custo relativamente baixo da posse? Explique.
4- Como os veículos elétricos trabalham em relação aos combustíveis alternativos?
5- Como o carro hibrido da ford trabalha?
1- Como funciona um carro a gás natural?
2- Como as células combustíveis trabalham no mundo da tecnologia?
3- Qual combustível é econômico,polui menos o ambiente e tem um custo relativamente baixo da posse? Explique.
4- Como os veículos elétricos trabalham em relação aos combustíveis alternativos?
5- Como o carro hibrido da ford trabalha?
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